Yes! We encourage you to develop these setups to suit your own personal driving styles, with a few stipulations. All we ask is that you do not upload the setups elsewhere, or pass them off as your own creation, as this effects every user of the service.
Even if you click around for hours on the setup, making it more suitable to your own driving style, the original base was, and will always be, a setup originating from our service. Being in breach of this stipulation may lead to termination of your account on our service.
Here is our one, simple requirement regarding the modification of setups originating from our service:
We require that the ‘CAW/DJG indicators’ remain in the filenames of your modified setups. You are more than welcome to share your modified setups in the #extra-doks channel found in the ‘Premium Paid Access’ section for paid subscribers in the Craig’s Setup Shop Discord Server. If modified versions of the setups originating from our service are found elsewhere (i.e. iRacing forums, other Discord servers, etc.) we reserve the right to investigate the situation, and if need be, terminate your account on our service.
Additionally, you are not allowed to use the platform to make or generate financial gain, for example building third party applications. Craig's Setup Shop reserves the right to define "third party application" and can terminate your account at any time. You will not receive your money back.